Updates on the Community Center - 1 year in operation
"The learning resource center is also running very well and maintained by the local leaders and youth members. The electricity charges...
And there was light!
Our team has received news that there is electricity in the building! Here is a photo that we received from the community. A volleyball...
What a colorful building ;)
Update! The outside of the building has been painted! It is a beautiful white and turquoise.
95% Complete!
We received word from Mr. Poul and Mr. John today that 95% of the building works have been completed; all that remains is for the final...
Check out the progress!
We have received more photos of the building. Plastering is almost complete and it looks like they will paint soon.
Roof forms have been removed!! (13 July)
Progress Update!!
It's been a week and a half since we left Packianathapuram and we have received the first progress update! Check out the pics below to...
Day 30 - June 24 - Homeward Bound..
Today we left Packianathapuram and returned to Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu. It was quite a sad departure for many of the team...
Day 29 - June 23 - The Farewell
Today was a day of goodbyes, which makes this a really hard post to write. The day began with a good deal of shopping, as led by Anna....
Day 28 - June 22 - Tour of Thottakudi
Post coming to you from Danish. We toured the Thottakudi Panchayat Union Primary School today. It was sweet to meet the kiddos in second...